Rymdforum 2021



Cobham Gaisler is the main organizer of the Space Forum 2021 conference. See the list below for the various actors’ privacy policies and handling of personal data.


Cobham Gaisler: https://caes.com/legal/privacy

Hotel Gothia Towers: https://gothiatowers.com/om-oss/dataskydd/

Chalmers: https://www.chalmers.se/en/about-chalmers/processing-of-personal-data/Pages/default.aspx


When registering for the conference, the following information is available on the processing of personal data
By registering for the conference, your personal data will be stored in a database in accordance with the Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The information will be used for conference administration in connection with the conference. Information collected for invoicing is saved in accordance with the Swedish Accounting Act.


Neither the organizer Cobham Gaisler, Meetagain nor the provider of the conference software can be held responsible for incorrect information.

Rymdforum 2021 logotyp




Organisationen Rymdforum Sveriges syfte är att tillsammans med dess medlemmar tydliggöra nyttan med rymdverksamhet för Sverige för att höja livskvalité, skapa effektivare samhällsfunktioner och öka tillväxten.